NEW LEXINGTON, Ohio — Members and visitors to South Main Church of Christ gathered this Sunday morning at the building housing Christ’s church for worship, then fellowship.
Here is the recording of the service in its entirety:
Please overlook about two seconds of distorted audio at the 6:30 point in this recording. We are in the midst of upgrading our worship technology to accommodate live video in the second half of 2024, and we are installing equipment and adjusting the settings as we grow.
Charles’ sermon focuses on Matthew, Chapter 3.
Charles speaks on repentance, the life of John the Apostle, the confessing of sins, and baptism.
David Hall, Deacon, conducts Opening Prayer with Tom Sheppard, Elder, at the pulpit.Tom Sheppard, Elder, leads song.Charles Savage, guest preacher from Norval Park Church of Christ in Zanesville, opens his sermon.Charles Savage in mid-sermon.Tom Sheppard, Elder, leading song.Brother Mark Randolph shares CommunionTylor Waite, Deacon, conducts Closing Prayer
Jarrod Allen is a member at South Main Church of Christ in New Lexington, having been added to the church in 2023. Jarrod helped to establish the church's website, and heads up web efforts for the church. He works closely with Holly Randolph in incorporating each week's church bulletin into the articles for that week's service. He also works closely with the Elders: Jim Lanning, Tom Sheppard and Ernie Starling, to ensure that the text, photos, videos and hyperlinks in each website entry align with the standards of the Church of Christ and Scripture. Jarrod can be reached at: