Tom Sheppard, elder at South Main Church of Christ, highlights the differences between Sunday worship and Bible study.
“Bible Study is studying the word of God. We can do that on our own, at home. When we come together, we have classes: adult class, children’s class. We can study God’s word. We pick a book and we have good teachers here to teach the truth.
Worship service, when we come together to worship God, we worship every Lord’s day on Sunday, we worship Him by doing five acts of worship that pleases our God. We hear God’s word proclaimed, we sing. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:19 to sing unto the Lord. We sing.
We pray. The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing, and every Lord’s day, the first day of the week, we take the Lord’s supper, that’s Communion to remember our Lord’s death, Acts 20:7.