Tag: scripture
Is there a wrong way to pray?
Jim Lanning explores the question, answering “what is our relationship with God”. Do you call on him only in a time of need? Do you have faith in him? Jim […]
Why do we sing in church?
Tom Sheppard says the answer to that question is contained within God’s word. “God’s word is all authority that we go by at the Church of Christ in New Lexington,” […]
Why does the Church of Christ not give preachers the title of ‘reverend’?
For this question, Jim Lanning discusses the New King James Version of the Holy Bible:Psalms 111, verse 9, which reads “He sent redemption unto his people. He had commanded His […]
What should someone expect with baptism at South Main Church of Christ?
Tom Sheppard, elder at South Main Church of Christ, highlights the baptism experience at our church. Tom says someone should expected to be buried (submerged) in water in our baptistry […]
Why do we go to church on Sunday?
Join Jim Lanning, elder at South Main Church of Christ, as he discusses attending church on Sundays. Hebrews 10:24 and 10:25 in the New King James Version says “let us […]
What is Christianity?
Join Jim Lanning, elder at South Main Church of Christ in New Lexington, Ohio as he analyzes the definition of Christianity as described in the New King James Version of […]
Ladies’ Inspiration Day ep. 005
NEW LEXINGTON, Ohio — This week’s South Main Church of Christ Podcast is a special one. We are placing this year’s Ladies’ Inspiration Day front and center, with a conversation […]
Worship Service Sun., Dec. 15, 2024
Luke Chapter 2, the first four verses, was the beginning of the Sunday sermon as delivered by Daryl Hurst, guest preacher from Norval Park Church of Christ in Zanesville. Daryl […]
Creation vs Evolution: Jim Lanning with Daryl Hurst, guest preacher
NEW LEXINGTON, Ohio — This week, we explore what has become a hot-button issue in classrooms: Was there a big bang where it all began, or did an all-powerful and […]
Apple, Spotify, Youtube now lists us
NEW LEXINGTON, Ohio — The South Main Church of Christ Podcast is now available on all three major podcast platforms (Apple, Spotify and Youtube formerly Google Podcasts). What does this […]